Thursday, July 28, 2011

Major Market Movements - Custom Calendar

A custom market/trading calendar is now available at the bottom of the blog's home page. Click or scroll to the bottom of the MMM home page to see the calendar.

The monthly view:
(click on imgage for full view)

Agenda view:
(click on image for full view)

A weekly view is also available. The MMM calendar is a collection of turn dates, option expiration dates, future expiration dates (Last Trading Day), economic data and info, Moon Phase dates, US holidays and more.

New information on turn dates or other note worthy dates will be updated periodically.

If you have any dates that you think would make a worth while addition to the MMM calendar please email me your suggestions at

BTW, A major Bradley turn date is set for tomorrow July 29th to July 30th. The last major Bradley turn date, last Feb 17th, ended a strong trend in the stock market, beginning a multi-month sideways correction.

There is also a New Moon on this Saturday night. The last NM, triggered a surge in Gold price. With current price trending up into the NM, a turn may cause a downside move.
